Monday, October 21, 2019

Our Honor to Present, The Technique and Practice of Psychoanalysis, 6 -- San Diego State University Press

The Technique and Practice of Psychoanalysis, 6 (The Ralph R. Greenson Training Seminars) Paperback – 2018

Author: Ralph R. Greenson
Editor/Series Editor: Harry Polkinhorn
Ilustrator: William Nericcio

We are proud to make available The Technique and Practice of Psychoanalysis, 6, by Ralph R. Greenson, a new volume in our SDSU Press Psychoanalysis on the Couch book series edited by the Director of the San Diego Psychoanalytic Center, Dr. Harry Polkinhorn.

A review from the Introduction by Eli Miller:

"To my mind, this is the reason to still read Dr. Greenson, to see the powerful, masterful use of effective technique; to see abundant clinical examples, which link language and affect; and to demonstrate how analytic tact serves to put empathy to active, creative use."

Insightful Criticism form Peter Loewenberg, Professor of History Emeritus, UCLA; Training and Supervising Analyst, Dean Emeritus, New Center for Psychoanalysis, Los Angeles: 

"Ralph Greenson was a gifted charismatic teacher of psychoanalytic technique, premiere in his generation. I and many other students of analysis had the privilege of learning from his clear yet scintillating seminars on dreams and clinical practice. The editor has done a major service to all mental health practitioners in providing these brilliant sparkling Greenson seminars, notes, and papers for our benefit."

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