Who is to tell what is behind the eyes of a solider? The
horrors, terrors and nightmares that they are faced with and merely told to
endure. The fear of death so heavily etched into their minds despite all forms
of rationality and perseverance— they are forced to continue onward. Stories
that are rarely told from those who carry the rifle. Officers were given
details of the battlefield and the wars were recorded without the officer ever
leaving their desk. Inaccurate accounts from some were given to help bolster
the “valiant and heroic” war efforts, disguising the bloodbaths that they
really were.
Blinded by the glory, shinning medals of recognition and the
seeming honor that comes with the title, many have jumped headfirst into the battlefield
without truly knowing its dangers. Society has glorified this battlefield
without a second thought for the soldier. While medals can be displayed equal
to injuries, non-visible injuries of physiological damage is something that is
often brushed aside and ignored. Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has
plagued and haunted these men and women returning from battle. Some look at
these returning soldiers without regard to their emotional distress.
Songwriter Serj Tankian from the popular alternative metal band System of a Down has written multitude of songs, which look at the Solider's Side. Like the book, he too, tries to grasp the reality of what war is to the soldier and the ones waiting at home.
To read more and buy the book click this link.
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