Friday, September 20, 2019

Hot Off the Press: More Than Money: a Memoir by Claudia Dominguez from SDSU Press, San Diego State University

More Than Money: a Memoir , by Claudia Dominguez

San Diego City Beat, the best of San Diego 2019, reviews graphic content from, More Than Money: a Memoir by Claudia Dominguez, “that gives readers an inside look at the corruption and lawlessness that plagues Mexico and addresses the stereotypes that often surround individuals that fall victim to organized crime organizations.” 

Check it out here:

From Sam Cannon, Bruce and Steve Simon Professor of Language & Literature at LSU, Shreveport: "As I experienced Claudia's book I felt that it interacted with my sensibilities more on the level of a sequential watercolor mural than a traditional comic book or graphic novel. The opening two-page spread felt more like standing before the harrowing and inspiring murals of David Alfaro Siqueiros or José Clemente Orozco than opening a comic book. Like the Muralists, she illustrates both a broad image of the suffering of the Mexican people as well as their strength and resilience."

Interested? Check out the book in its entirety below!

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