Just in time for fall semester 2010!
Come and get the most provocative and original (?) book around devoted solely to the scholarly examination and expounding of Kathy Acker's brilliantly transgressive magnum corpus. Click here for a ultra speedy link and purchase it!
Devouring Institutions: The Life Work of Kathy Acker underwent strenuous pseudo-scientific tests before being confirmed to boost the LitCriterati level of anyone who purchases it by orders of magnitude. So no matter what your current intellectual status is, this book is undoubtedly a must-have, even if it only sits on the shelf behind your desk. (The SDSU Press does not advocate the impressive-shelf-of-unread-books strategy, but it might help us sell more books.)

Still don't think you need this book? Keep reading!
Editor and Scholar extraordinaire Michael Hardin put this lovely book together, and you know he's as edgy as they come. Look at what he's up to now. Here's some more stuff that he's done.
Hardin definitely had the right idea with Devouring Institutions. Not only does it include essays from some of the best scholars out there, like radical feminist Carol Siegel, Idaho State Ackerian Terry Engebretsen, "genre-disrupting" poet Carla Harryman, and Brandeis heavyweight Caren Irr, it provides the perfect entry point to the "theoretical and political motivations behind her work".
What more could literary laymen ask for when trying to familiarize themselves with one of the most "innovative, controversial, and difficult of American writers"?
For more info on Acker, look at the tons of interviews and articles online. Here's one from Larry McCaffery.
Oh, and here's an amazing Acker interview with William S. Burroughs:
And stay tuned because we will be unleashing a new Acker volume in the not-too-distant future!