Dr. Marc García-Martínez provides a detailed look at how Chicano writer Alejandro Morales incorporates intense imagery into his works. The Flesh-And-Blood Aesthetics of Alejandro Morales: Sex, Disease, and Figuration examines how the treatment of character’s bodies through the use of powerful literary tools functions to comment on the core of human nature and the society shaped by it. Vivid descriptions of sexual behavior and acts, of disease and bodily decomposition, and of death are characteristic of Morales’ striking style.
A seemingly contradictory dynamic of a discomfort that does not repudiate but rather encourages an interest in reading further into Morales' shocking imagery exists, and it defines a reading experience that parallels the very themes that are presented in works like The Rag Doll Plagues and The Brick People. Uncomfortable meanings begin to emerge through uncomfortable mediums and makes the realities that Morales sees more decipherable.
A seemingly contradictory dynamic of a discomfort that does not repudiate but rather encourages an interest in reading further into Morales' shocking imagery exists, and it defines a reading experience that parallels the very themes that are presented in works like The Rag Doll Plagues and The Brick People. Uncomfortable meanings begin to emerge through uncomfortable mediums and makes the realities that Morales sees more decipherable.

The Flesh-and-Blood Aesthetics of Alejandro Morales, a detailed and groundbreaking interpretation of the literature of Alejandro Morales, can be found here. Get your copy today!