pacificREVIEW’s 2016 issue
Lurking Anonymity explores the mysterious—and perpetually convoluted—relationships that are now sustained within the digital age. This intricate entanglement between technology and our sense of self oscillates between virtual life and real life, with our id now being composed of immediate gratification through like buttons that have disguised themselves as intimacy.
Lurking Anonymity captures the millennial perspective, with thought provoking and imaginative pieces, through diverse mediums varying from fiction and poetry to artwork and even an analytical essay. The issue often times condemns the hold that the virtual realm has on reality, but it also brilliantly promotes the strength of this simulated world through its ability to connect in unconventional ways.
Lurking Anonymity explores the perceptions of current society within the modern world and its effect on thought processes and personal relationships making the issue one that is undoubtedly a snapshot of this generation.
You can purchase your copy of pacificREVIEW
Lurking Anonymity on October 1
st through SDSU Press.
In the meantime if you'd like to contribute to pacificREVIEW, a West Coast Arts Annual visit the
contributor's page for information on how to support the journal and special discounts.