Monday, April 02, 2012

Men Underground: History of Coal Miners, Worker's Rights by an Admirable former SDSU Professor!

Clinton E. Jencks. It feels good to know his name for several reasons. The first being his book, Men Underground in which he compiled his research chronicling the development of the rights of miners and the history behind their setbacks and achievements. Jencks details how a change in social status, working conditions, and the evolution of a protective union were brought about by the miners' struggle for respect and dignity.
Jencks is fascinating simply because he stood up for what he believed in during a time in American history when it could have cost him his life or freedom. The film Salt of the Earth was inspired by many of his experiences and research into the lives of miners and his personal contentions with the US government. Jencks was also a former SDSU professor.

Get Men Underground by Clinton E. Jencks from SDSU Press to learn about the kind of work miners do and gain a more profound respect for them and the protection of their rights, as well as the rights of all working people.

Click here to read about Clinton Jencks.

Enjoy watching part one of Salt of the Earth, the only blacklisted American film:

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