SDSU Press
Poetics and Visuality: A trajectory of contemporary Brazilian poetry

Philadelpho Menezes's Poetics & Visuality offers an account of the
development of extreme poetic practices in a country known for its
commitment to experimentation. This richly illustrated history begins
with spatialism, to which concretism comes as a corrective ordering in
the early 1950s. The "visual poetry" of the last decades is cogently
theorized as inter sign poetry (collage, package, montage poetries), a
movement that has drawn international attention.

wikiBIO: Philadelpho Menezes (born in 1960 in São Paulo, Brazil, died,
2000, Brazil, in a car accident). Brazilian poet, visual poet, pioneer
of new media poetry, professor in the Communication and Semiology
post-graduation program at the Pontifical University of São Paulo. He
performed research for his post-graduate degree at the University of
Bologna, in Italy (1990). With Brazilian artist Wilton Azevedo
Philadepho Menezes created a pioneer intermedia-poetry CD-ROM:
"InterPoesia. Poesia Hipermidia Interativa" (1998). In Italy he
collaborated with the first net-poetry project:, by Italian
artist Caterina Davinio.
Information from within
The goal of this study is to furnish a theoretical framework for
reflections on the pathways taken by experimental poetry in Brazil. At
the same time, I hope to suggest that these increasingly intricate
formulations might map out their own zone, thereby allowing the method
herein elaborated to be applied to other kinds of cultural
experimentation. The reader of poetry today all too frequently is
confused by a body of material that seems to be little more than a
collection of formal exercises that take their origins ex nihilo. I will
try to undo this error by showing the inverse: in the apparent chaos of
avant-garde Brazilian poetry, there is a backbone that structures a
trajectory in the direction of an incorporation of visuality in the
poem, a depositing of the poetic function in the visual image.
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