ver wonder what the trick is to writing a captivating narrative? The answer is repetition. Well actually, the answer is a bit more interesting than that. Danièle Chatelain's book, Perceiving and Telling: A Study of Iterative Discourse explores the dynamic of space and time within the art of iterative discourse. Chatelain develops the concept of repetition helping it grow from a boring and flat concept to one that houses the fluidity of perception. Chatelain says, "Perceiving, therefore, should be considered as a central element in the functioning of any narrative" (94). The tricky concepts that go into an excellent narrative are thoroughly dissected as she also studies the division between heterodiegetic and homodiegetic narratives. Writing a narrative can sometimes feel like an overwhelming task, but with Chatelain's insight on the matter (and of course with her glossary on hand) the job will be less daunting and instead become an exciting challenge.
Perceiving and Telling: A Study of Iterative Discourse is on sale via the SDSU Press.
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