A new collaboration between the SDSU Chicana and Chicano Studies Department and San Diego State University Press! Now ...
Posted by San Diego State University Press on Thursday, December 23, 2021
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A new collaboration between the SDSU Chicana and Chicano Studies Department and San Diego State University Press! Now ...
Posted by San Diego State University Press on Thursday, December 23, 2021
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Coming January 1, 2022, a new book in our PSYCHOANALYSIS ON THE COUCH SERIES. Here's a teaser look at the wraparound...
Posted by San Diego State University Press on Friday, December 3, 2021
Help us spread the word! This coming Tuesday something wickedly good our way cometh! Darius Gainer, Public Lecture (vaxxed and masked), SDSU Main Campus, GMCS 333 at 11am, Tuesday December 7, 2021. Thx to my partner in crimes literary & semiotic, Frederick Luis Aldama for initiating this friendship/collaboration! Thx again to John Jennings and Tim Fielder for the book blurbs and to Stanford W. Carpenter for the moving intro/preface. Pick up a copy of BLACK REPRESENTATION IN THE WORLD OF ANIMATION here: amatlcomix.sdsu.edu or here https://amzn.to/3EhQlwS
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Our precious titles are carefully watched over by a crack team of special agents! SDSU Press, Amatl Comix, and Hyperbole...
Posted by San Diego State University Press on Friday, November 19, 2021
Jackson's Drawing of Guacamaya |
Jackson's Drawing of Stela P.
"When I look carefully at Stela P., who is still a lovely young lady to me, I made a sad discovery. The surfaces of the stone figure had become noticeably a bit crumbly. The edges had lost their sharpness. I knew this had not been true of my former visits to the ruins. Later I was to learn that the atmosphere had caused that degeneration. The polluted air of our modern age was finally getting to the ancient sculpture of Central America, just as I had heard it had done to the sculpture of the Acropolis at Athens."
This video features photos taken from Jackson's novels and from Google Images
Still in print! An SDSU Press classic --> amzn.to/31nrM2X A broadly conceived and executed collection of interviews,...
Posted by San Diego State University Press on Monday, November 1, 2021
SDSU Press' book(s) of the week: Dive into film noir and the aesthetics that rooted themselves in Los Angeles with Fanny Daubigny’s “Proust in Black”.Travel to the world of Brazilian poet Glauco Mattoso in Steven F. Butterman’s “Perversions on Parade”. And if the world of science fiction is more your thing than look no further than Naief Yehya’s “Drone Visions”, where killing machines escape movie media and creep their way into our everyday lives.
Our assembly lines are working overtime to get our new critical anthology Cultural Studies in the Digital Age out of our...
Posted by San Diego State University Press on Sunday, October 17, 2021
AmatlComix-- an imprint of SDSU Press-- lives in the world of the visual. Whether it's comics, TV shows, movies, or the narrative art: AmatlComix has been there and done that. With four publications out right now and available for purchase there is a little something for everyone.
To truly engage in our AmatlComix week here at SDSU Press, join us on Instagram as AmatlComix takes control of our socials. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to keep up to date on publications from all of our imprints!
Every book purchased and every book enjoyed is directly helping SDSU Press on it's mission to change the world one book at a time. Purchase a book from our Amazon today and READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!
Hitch searches for material to inspire his next cinematic masterpiece! Add CULTURAL STUDIES IN THE DIGITAL AGE by @eyegiene ➕ @ProfessorLatinx ➕ #antoniorafele to your Fall ‘21 classes! over 100 photos!
— San Diego State University Press (@SDSUPress) April 13, 2021
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Our latest bibliographic exercise in intellectual sorcery is all the buzz! Listen: “CULTURAL STUDIES IN THE DIGITAL AGE...
Posted by San Diego State University Press on Monday, September 13, 2021
Stop the presses! A pathbreaking, dynamic new book in cinema studies, ethnic studies, animation history, and...
Posted by San Diego State University Press on Wednesday, September 1, 2021
The narrative explores life in Cuba during the 40s and 50s and enlightens readers about her life experiences during this transitional time.
“Right from the beginning, ‘My Native Land’ is a raw, compelling journey to a Cuba about to be changed forever. Oliva EspÃn’s unique perspective and powerful writing emotionally captures an immigrant’s story that resonates across countries and is relevant today,” wrote Ronnie Ramos, executive editor of The Daily Memphian.
Here we ask EspÃn to delve into the process and publication of her memoir. Can you tell me a bit about your writing process?
I wrote without following any particular order. When I remembered something I wrote about it. Eventually I put the pieces in chronological order and then wrote some pieces to "fill the holes" in the time sequence. Writing about some events made me remember others. I workshopped the pieces in my women writers group and also had some friends read the manuscript. Their feedback, questions, and suggestions helped me clarify points and revise the writing. How long did you spend writing before being published? It took me about 10 years to write. The manuscript underwent many transformations along the way. After it was finished, it took some time to get it published.
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What do you want people to take away after reading your memoir?
First, I hope that reading about my experiences touches people and evokes some moments in their own lives. Many people who have life experiences very different from mine have told me that they see some similarities despite those differences. In turn, hearing people's comments about the book and about my life story has also made me see many events in a new light. Next, I want people to understand Cuba a little bit better. Specifically, pre-revolutionary Cuba. Most people know very little about it or harbor distorted notions and misinformation about the country. I hope they get a small slice of life in Cuba in the 40s and 50s and a bit about the transition to the revolution, as experienced by one person. I like them to see some of everyday life back there and then when they read my story. Although my story is just one story, I hope it illuminates other stories.
How did you feel when you were told you won the award from San Diego Book Awards? Click to enlarge
Delighted, of course. I have written many academic books before, but this book is a completely new way of writing for me and it is also a lot closer to me than anything I have written before. That's why it took me so long to finish. It is gratifying that the effort paid off. Writing this book has opened new doors and created new friendships for me. The process of its creation and publication has also put me in touch with my own childhood in a renewed way. Getting this award is an affirmation of the story and its writing.
San Diego Book Awards Association: Announcing the 2021 San Diego Book Awards Winners
order from SDSU Press: espin_autobio
Conjunctions: Verbal-Visual Relations, an engaging volume of original essays by international scholars, investigates verbal-visual relations, broadly conceived, in the modern period. The book explores how thinkers in various fields--aesthetics, poetry, visual art, philosophy, and book illustration--have approached the problematic relationship between the verbal and the visual.
Conjunctions honors the work of a pioneering scholar of interarts studies, Renée Riese Hubert. Contributors include Michel Deguy, Judd D. Hubert, Claude Gandelman, Laurie Edson, Marjorie Perloff, Roger Shattuck, Georges Roque, Sydney Lévy, Anne-Marie Christin, Richard Vernier, Breon Mitchell, Steven Winspur, Roger Cardinal, Robert W. Greene, Eric T. Haskell,and others. A biography and list of publications by Renée Riese Hubert also appear.
Conjunctions: Verbal-Visual Relations (Essays in Honor of Renee Riese Hubert): Edson, Laurie: 9781879691452: Amazon.com: Books Conjunctions: Verbal-Visual Relations (Essays in Honor of Renee Riese Hubert) (Paperback) edited by Laurie Edson. ISBN 1-879691-45-0 | paper, 332 pp. illustrated US $20
About Renée Riese Hubert
Renée Riese Hubert was one of the most accomplished, productive, and generous scholars and teachers of literature on the UC Irvine campus. Professor Emerita of French and Comparative Literature, she also made significant and lasting contributions to Women’s Studies and the UCI Emeritae/i Association. The daughter of German Jewish parents who were prominent physicians, public intellectuals and activists who worked in the service of liberal causes, Renée Riese was forced to leave Nazi Germany as a young girl and settle with her family in France. She was educated in Paris and found her first vocation there, publishing six volumes of poetry in French that won high acclaim in her elective country and language... She went on to obtain her Ph.D. from Columbia University and then taught for twenty years in comparative literature and French at UC Irvine, where Hubert actively shaped Comparative Literature, Art History, Fine Arts and Women’s Studies. https://www.gf.org/fellows/all-fellows/renee-riese-hubert/
To say we here at AmatlComix are happy is a ridiculous understatement! #britwoa, BLACK REPRESENTATION IN THE WORLD OF...
Posted by William Nericcio on Wednesday, August 4, 2021
https://amzn.to/3zGKNJj NOW IN PRINT! Edited by Nayeli Castaneda and crew! pacific REVIEW 2021: A West Coast Arts...
Posted by Pacific Review on Tuesday, July 27, 2021
Border lives: Personal Essays on the U.S.-Mexico Border https://t.co/5H4fKL1CLG
— William Nericcio (@eyegiene) July 21, 2021
contributors: James Bradley, David Clayton, José Manuel Di Bella, Carlos Fabián Saravia, Emily Hicks, Ramona MejÃa, Wm Nericcio, Harry Polkinhorn, Leobardo Saravia Quiroz, Gabriel Trujillo Muñoz. pic.twitter.com/L5fUayyxvp
Though we handle most of the printing and shipping for our 175+ catalogue of texts (see them all here: amzn.to/3ymgA1O),...
Posted by San Diego State University Press on Saturday, July 3, 2021
Congratulations to Dr. Oliva Espin, Professor Emerita, Women's Studies Department, SDSU, whose MY NATIVE LAND IS MEMORY...
Posted by San Diego State University Press on Saturday, July 3, 2021
Fans and collectors of Everett Gee Jackson need to add these two classic hardcovers from our backlist to their...
Posted by San Diego State University Press on Friday, July 2, 2021
Who published and distributed the definitive work on Raymond Federman? SDSU Press! Federman A to X-X-X-X: A Recyclopedic...
Posted by San Diego State University Press on Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Núria Vilanova's book is about borders, people, & texts. "Border Texts: Writing Fiction From Northern Mexico" studies the relationship between the MX-USA border and the fiction produced in the area. Jesús Gardea, Luis Humberto Crosthwaite, & others appear. https://t.co/ygqU1AhxSt pic.twitter.com/ld8pPf3PtQ
— San Diego State University Press (@SDSUPress) June 7, 2021
Read this rather remarkable John Steinbeck themed newsletter via Lithub ...https://t.co/nQoEYtVT2N
— San Diego State University Press (@SDSUPress) May 23, 2021
... Then snap up a copy of SDSU Press’s own collection focused on the writings of California’s favorite literary son: https://t.co/yZytFyVcfU#johnsteinbeck pic.twitter.com/JKSvWGqYk0
FABRIZIO LACARRA RAMIREZ: David, what do you do for the SDSU Press?
DAVID ORNELAS: I’m an Editorial Associate. I post our books on Facebook as well as our SDSU Blog. I also post about our excellent apparel!
When did you start working with the SDSU Press? What is it about the Press that piqued your interest?
I started working for the Press in August 2019. I didn’t know about the Press prior to 2019 and when Dr. Nericcio informed me about it, I was happy to accept the offer to work for him.
You just finished your Graduate school program with the Master of Arts in Liberal Arts and Sciences (MALAS) here at SDSU. Congratulations! What was the highlight of your time in the program, and where is life taking you next?
The highlight of my time in the MALAS Program was being around other colleagues who shared the same interests as me even though the program was built around each students' focus on unique subjects. I’ve been able to make lifelong friends that will carry on even after graduation. I was recently accepted into the Rhetoric Writing Studies M.A. Program at SDSU where I intend to work towards a second master’s as well as teaching RWS.
Being a student of the arts involves a lot of reading. What's your favorite way to consume literature - binge-reading or a chapter at a time? Any specific setting or technique you use to really immerse yourself in the text?
I like to take it one chapter at a time. Sometimes I feel it’s best to just take in all that you’ve read before moving on too quick. Reading chapter by chapter allows me to focus on the main characters and the overall purpose in each book.
The SDSU Press has published a myriad of titles from comix to cultural criticism. With over 150 titles to offer, any piece we cover is sure to have an impact on the way we view our world. How has your work with the Press changed your life?
Having read our most popular books, as well as integrating them into my curriculum as Teaching Associate at SDSU, it’s been rewarding. I’ve been able to form my own thoughts and opinions on the different aspects of cultural criticism.
If you had to pick your favorite titles to recommend from SDSU Press, what would they be?
1. Cultural Studies in the Digital Age: An Anthology of 21st Century Interdisciplinary Inquiries, Postulations, and Findings – Antonio Rafele, William Nericcio, Frederick Aldama
I highly recommend this book as it touches base on things that are currently going on in society. I was able to use this book in my RWS200 course and help students have a better understanding of cultural studies. My students were able to connect to concepts that were mentioned in the book. I will continue to be using this course in my future classes as well.
2. Tex[t] Mex: Seductive Hallucinations of the "Mexican" in America - William Nericcio
I've been able to use this book beyond the classes in which it was required reading. Dr. Nericcio doesn't hold back and lets his readers know the truth. I think anyone from any culture can read this book and relate to it in some way or another.
Thank you for your time, David. You can find more from this budding blogger at our Aztec Paper Blog, linked below, or by signing up for one of his classes at SDSU!